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Integral CBCT Scan Function

Quick Ceph Studio has integrated support for reading and manipulating Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) files.  This functionality comes standard in Quick Ceph Studio, so there are no extra modules you need to purchase.  The movies below illustrate some of the features offered in Quick Ceph Studio: 1. 3D Manipulation Quick Ceph Studio can import Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scan images in the DICOM file format from machines such as i-Cat, NewTom, Iluma, Hitachi, and others. The CT scan slices are combined into 3D images that can be manipulated to show any angle around the skull and teeth.

2. Viewing Different Image Densities The CT scan image can be adjusted to view the bone only, the soft tissue only, and a combination of both bone and soft tissue. Certain structures, such as impacted cuspids, condyles, and airway passages can easily be viewed using the CT-Scan.

3. Digitizing CT Scan Views The lateral, frontal, and SMV views can be extracted into Quick Ceph Studio to be digitized. Unlike other programs that display only the mid-sagital view, you can display the correct views necessary for digitizing the x-ray. Simply correct any orientation discrepancies in the DICOM image, then click on the “Freezedry” tool to upload all three views into Quick Ceph all at once.


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